Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Mangapapa School Eats and Entertainment Gala! Made in Piktochart


We were learning about how to use Piktochart and how to spread the message through the use of media to reach the people.

I found it easy to copy everything from the board to my poster that I have made to spread the message.

I found it hard to pick the right colours to use to make it stand out so that people will read this.

I really enjoyed learning how to use Piktochart and hope that I can spread the idea of spread the use of this media to others.

Next time I need to remember what order to arrange it into for it to make more sense. I hope that you guys can give me some fed back on what I can do better or if you guys could read it easy.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

My what is Media poster?

What is Media?

We were learning about what types of media we have seen in the last 24 hours around town.

I found it easy to resize the pictures to the size that would fit into the spare space.

I found it hard to find the right pictures that me and Katie agreed on.

I really enjoyed seeing what media I had seen on the way to school and in the way home from school.

Next time I need to use my time well and concentrate during all of my time.